


The First Hong Kong International Deaf Film Festival

日期Date : 17–19 / 9 / 2010

地點Venue: 香港藝術中心 agnès b. 電影院 agnès b. CINEMA, Hong Kong Arts Centre
(Upper Basement, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong)


  聾人在香港雖屬小數,但同樣獨立自主,與社會共存。與在香港生活的少數族裔一樣,聾人有自己的語言、智慧、生活以至文化。世界上愈來愈多人承認及肯定聾人的語言:手語,以及其獨特的文化:聾人文化。 此外,愈來愈多聾人透過參與製作電影,讓世界對手語及聾人文化有更透徹的認識。

  香港聾人電影也邁出了第一步。香港聾人協進會、亞洲民眾戲劇節協會、香港藝術中心、香港城市大學創意媒體學院和香港城市大學應用社會科學系連同多個聾健團體(包括聾視、聾之友、龍耳社、香港藝術學院、紫荊聚集、香港聾人會、香港聾劇團、香港手語協會、香港聾人體育總會、真鐸啟喑學校校友會、路德會長青群康中心、香港聾人及手語文化協會、社區文化發展中心)將於2010年9月17日至19日在香港藝術中心 agnès b. 電影院舉辦第一屆香港國際聾人電影節,屆時會播放六場來自世界各地出色的聾人電影,當中包括香港聾人自行拍攝製作的精彩作品。




We are presenting the First International Deaf Film Festival in Hong Kong. Deaf films are those that have significant involvement of persons who are deaf, as directors, actors, playwrights etc. Deaf communities in the world consider themselves as linguistic minorities and like ethnic minorities, have their own language and culture. Sign Language is the language of the Deaf and for a long time, the use of Sign Language has been suppressed, both in Hong Kong and the rest of the world - to the extent that the Deaf consider that as linguistic genocide. The Convention of Rights of People with Disability recently adopted in the United Nations has among other things, uphold the rights of the Deaf to their own language, the sign language.

The Deaf have their own culture apart from their language and more and more of them have been making films to voice out and to express themselves. There are more and more international Deaf film festivals in the world as a manifestation of this one aspect of Deaf culture.

The purpose of the First HKIDFF is the attempt by the Deaf community in Hong Kong, represented by Hong Kong Association of the Deaf and many other organizations of the Deaf as well as those Hearing to showcase some of the best Deaf films in the world, as well as some made in Hong Kong. To view such films will be an important step to understand and explore Deaf culture, to build an inclusive society, and to appreciate the diversity in filmmaking.

票價 Tickets: $50 / $30*
* 全日制學生、六十歲或以上長者、殘疾人士及綜援受惠者票價
* Tickets for full-time students, senior citizens, aged 60 and above, physically challenged individuals and CSSA recipients

Tickets are now available at all URBTIX outlets

信用卡電話訂票 Credit Card Telephone Booking Hotline: 2111 5999
票務查詢 Ticketing Enquiries: 2734 9009
網上訂票 Internet Booking: www.urbtix.hk

節目查詢 Programme Enquiries:
電話 Tel: 2891 8488 / 2582 0273 / 2327 2497
電郵 E-mail: [email protected]
傳真 Fax: 2327 7445
短訊 SMS: 9204 6324

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