







10am - 6pm : 授課、演講、工作坊、導賞等等.
6pm - 8pm: 香港未來座談會(題目待定)
8pm – 10pm 學聯的群眾集會
10 pm – 12am 電影及討論




(1) 姓名 (2) 職位 (3) 演講題目 (4) 電話及Email 聯絡方式 (5) 可以授課時段:1000-1800, 23-26/9, 或也可選擇候命 (見註) 。請聯絡陳允中:[email protected].




1. 杜耀明 浸會大學傳理系助理教授,「政治衝突与民主化: 一個政治經濟學分析」
To Yiu Ming, Assistant Professor, Journalism, "Political Confrontation and Democratization: A Political Economy Analysisʺ".

2. 梁旭明, 嶺南大學文化研究副教授,如何在後主場新聞時代使(網絡)媒體更能推動(參與式)民主?
Lisa Leung, Associate Professor, Cultural Studies, Lingnan University, How can (online) media further foster (participatory democracy) in the post-'House News' era?

3. 陳士齊(齊sir), 浸會大學宗哲系高級講師, 「基督教與民主」
SC Chan (Jai Sir), Religion and Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University, "Relationship between Christianity and Democracy"

4. 胡露茜, 香港中文大學崇基神學院兼任講師; 蔡寶瓊博士: 香港中文大學教育行政與政策學系副教授, 「抗爭與靈性」(演講+練習需2小時)
Rose Wu, Chung Chi Divinity School of the Chinese University of Hong Kong; Choi Po King, Associate Professor, Educational Administration and Policy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, "Resistance and Spirituality". (Talk and Practice—2 hours)

5.黃志偉, 城市大學專上學院社會科學部講師,「民主回歸派的30年個人回顧」
Paul Wong, Lecturer, Social Sciences, Community College of City University, "A democrat for reunification in retrospect: a first person account for the past 30 years".

6. 葉蔭聰, 嶺南大學文化研究系助理教授, 「虛擬自由主義之後的自由主義」
Ip Iam Chong, Assistant Professor, Cultural Studies, Lingnan University. "Liberalism after virtual liberailsm"

7. 陳清僑, 嶺南大學協理副校長, 「為了三十三年以後:否想香港」
Stephen Chan Ching Kiu, Associate Vice-President, Lingnan University, "For the years after the next 33: Hong Kong Un-imagined"

8. 何芝君, 明愛專上學院客座教授, 「培力,團結,爭取民主 」
Ho Chi Kwan, Visiting Professor, Caritas Institute of Higher Education, "Empowerment, solidarity and the struggle for democracy"

9. 司徒薇, 香港大學比較文學助理教授, 「甘地之於我們:公民不服從及參與式民主」
Mirana May Szeto, Assistant Professor, Comparative Literature, The University of Hong Kong, "Gandhi and Us: Civil disobedience, participatory democracy”

10. 張楚勇, 城市大學公共行政高級特任講師, 「香港七十年代末的學生運動的反省」
Cheung Chor Yung, Public Policy, The City University of Hong Kong, "Personal reflections on Hong Kong's student movement in the late 1970s"

11. 陸潔玲, 香港理工大學專上學院傳意與社會科學講師,「民主之日常實踐:女性主義角度」
Luk Kit-Ling, Lecturer, Communication and Social Sciences, Hong Kong Community College, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, "Democratic practices in everyday life: A feminist perspective"

12. 黃偉豪, 香港中文大學政治與行政係副教授, 「幫助領悟民主的好電影」
Wilson Wong Wai Ho, Associate Professor, Government and Public Administration, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, ”Learning Democracy Through Good Movies"

13. 黃偉國, 浸會大學政治與國際關係, 「業力與權力」:自己的命運自己選?
Benson Wong Wai Kwok, Assistant Professor, Government and International Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University, “Karma and Power: Can I change my destiny?”

14. 陳允中, 嶺南大學文化研究副教授, 「社區民主,社區自治」
Chen Yun-Chung, Associate Professor, Cultural Studies, Lingnan University. "Community democracy and community autonomy"

15. 何式凝, 香港大學社會工作副教授, 「愛慾與民主」: 尋「真愛」難,還是爭「真普選」難?
Ho Sik Ying Petula, Associate Professor, Department of Social Work & Social Adm., The University of Hong Kong. "Love and Democracy: True love, true universal suffrage, which is more difficult?".

16. 陳家洛, 浸會大學政治與國際關係副教授, 「東歐的反對運動」
Kenneth Chan Ka Lok, Associate Professor, Politics and International Relations, Hong Kong Baptist University, "Opposition movements in Eastern Europe"

17. 成名, 香港科技大學社會科學副教授, 中文題目翻中「沒有真普選, 對香港產生了什麼影響?沒有真普選,會如何影響香港的未來? 」
Sing Ming, Associate Professor, Social Sciences, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, "How has the absence of genuine universal suffrage impacted Hong Kong? How will the absence influence Hong Kong's future?"

18. 陳秀慧, 香港大學法律學院助理教授, 「透視政改的憲法框架」
Cora Chan, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong, “Expounding the constitutional framework of political reform"

19. 陳敬慈, 城大應用社會學助理教授: 「官僚資本主義的崛起與香港民運的出路」
Chris Chan King Chi, Associate Professor, Applied Social Sciences, Hong Kong City Universtiy, "The rise of bureaucratic capitalism and the future of democracy movement in Hong Kong"

20. 馬嶽, 中文大學政治與行政學系副教授: 「民主選舉有國際標準嗎?」
Ma Ngok, Associate Professor, Government and Public Administration, CUHK, "Is There an International standard of democratic elections? "

21. 黃洪, 中文大學社工系副教授 : "甘地其人其事-- 從電影甘地傳看非暴力的不合作運動" or "沒有民主、那有民生--爭取全民退休保障的前世今生",
Wong Hung, Associate Professor, Social Work, CUHK, "The life and movement of Gandhi: from the film Gandhi to understand non-violent disobedience movement"; " If there is no democracy, there will be no livelihood: the life and death of the universal retirement protection movement"

22. 梁志遠, 香港理工大學應用社會科學系專任導師, 「政改的反叛者: 從亞林斯基的公民組織及社會行動談起」
Leung, Chi Yuen, Lecturer, Applied Social Sciences, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, “topic to be translated by the speaker”.

23. 邵家瑧, 浸會大學社工系講師:「情感動員:香港高登為例子」
Shiu Ka-chun, Lecturer, Social Work, Hong Kong Baptist University: "motional participation:Hong Kong Golden as Example“

24. 葉健行(舒琪), 香港演藝學院電影電視學院長, 「電影教室:Screening 《大風暴》(Z)。映後討論:正義與強權的鬥爭,從希臘到今明香港」
Kenneth Ip (Shu Kei) Chair of School of Film and Television, The Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts: "Screening of Costa-Gavras' "Z" (1969) and Discussion: Learning Resistance against Tyranny and Corruption from the Cinema."

25. 張超雄,理工大學應用社會科學系講師 : 「壯大公民社會」
Fernando Cheung, Lecturer, Applied Social Sciences, Hong Kong Polytechnic University:
"Strengthening Civil Society"

26. 魂游, 藝術家/浸大視覺藝術院博士候選人,, 「快樂抗爭 之 創意蛋散」 
Wen Yau, Artist/ HKBU Academy of Visual Arts PhD Candidate, " Art & Activism: Creative Tactics that Freak You Out"

27. 蕭裕均,中文大學社會系講師,「新自由主義下的民主運動」
Kaxton Siu, Lecturer, Sociology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, "Democracy Movement under Neoliberalism"

28. 馬國明, 嶺南大學文化研究系客座副教授, 「匯點和民主回歸的誕生與幻滅」
Ma Kwok-ming, Adjunct Associate Professor, Cultural Studies, Lingnan University, "The Birth and Disillusion of Meeting Point and Democratic-reunificationists "

29. 丁南僑, 香港大學數學系副教授, 「社會公義的數學思考」
Tsing Nam Kiu, Associate Professor, Mathematics, The University of Hong Kong, "Social Justice through a mathematical perspective"

30. 譚俊傑, 執業大律師, 香港大學法律學院兼職講師, 「公安條例及警署保釋權利」
Jeffrey Tam, practising barrister, part-time lecturer of Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong, "The Public Order Ordinance and the right to bail"

31. 陳祖為,香港大學政治及公共行政學系教授。「公民抗命的對與錯」
Joseph Cho Wai Chan, Professor, Politics and Public Administration, The University of Hong Kong. "The right and wrong of civil disobedience."

32. 周保松,香港中文大學政治與行政學系副教授,「論自由」
Chow Po Chung, Associate Professor, Government and Political Administration, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, "On Liberties"

33. 林培元, 理大香港專上學院講師,「從野百合到太陽花--台灣學生運動的經驗」
Keith Lin, Lecturer, Polyu-HKCC, "From Wild Lily to Sunflower: Student Movement in Taiwan"

34. 許寶強,嶺南大學文化研究副教授,「如何罷課不罷學?」
Hui Po-Kueng, Associate Professor, Cultural Studies, Lingnan University, "How to
Learn amidst of Class Boycott?"

35. 陳漢輝, 嶺南大學社會學及社會政策學系助理教授, 「從歷史社會學看民主與專制」
Chen Hon Fai, Assistant Professor, Sociology and Social Policy, Lingnan University, “Democracy and Dictatorship from the Perspective of Historical Sociology”

36. 陳效能, 嶺南大學社會學及社會政策學系副理教授, 「中港關係論述中的家庭及性別倫理的建構與解讀」
Annie Chan Hau-nung, Associate Professor, Sociology and Social Policy, Lingnan University, “A reading of the construction of family and gender ethics in discourses of China-Hong Kong relations.”

37. 學人。性。聯盟: 「我城。我性,關我Q事 」
Hong Kong Scholars Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity, “My City My Sex: Self determination, erotic justice and sexual democracy”

38. 李峻嶸, 香港理工大學香港專上學院講師, 「民主政治與香港的財稅制度」
Lee Chun Wing John, Lecturer, Hong Kong Community College, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, “Democratic Politics and Hong Kong’s Fiscal System”.

39. 陳志宏,香港大學理學院講師。「民主與科學之再遇」。
Chan Chi-wang, Lecturer, Faculty of Science, The University of Hong Kong. "The Reunion of Democracy and Science."

40. 吳有能, 香港浸會大學宗教及哲學系副教授; 劉桂標博士, 香港人文學會會長; 溫帶維博士, 香港理工大學通識部講師, 「莫謂書生空議論: 中國哲學的抗爭精神」
William Ng, Associate Professor, Religion and Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University Dr. Kwai Pui Lau President, HKSHP; Dr. David Wan, Lecturer, General Education Centre, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, “The Spirit of Resistance in Chinese Philosophy”

41. 葉家威, 香港中文大學通識教育部講師, 「民主與正當性:盧梭《民約論》中的自由與平等」
Ip Ka-Wai, Lecturer, Office of University General Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, "Democracy and Legitimacy: Freedom and Equality in Rousseau's Social Contract".

42. 張鐵志,香港中文大學政治及行政學系兼任講師,「台灣民主的動力與貧困:對香港的啟示」,
Chang Tieh-chih, Part-time lecturer , Government and Public Administration, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, “The Dynamics and poverty of democratization in Taiwan and its implications for Hong kong”

43. 梁啟智, 中大大學通識教育部, 「香港的空間想像與地緣迷思」
Leung, Kai Chi, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Office of University General Education, “Spatial Imagination and Geopolitical Myth in Hong Kong”

44. 羅永生,嶺南大學文化研究系副教授, 「從極權到後極權:哈維爾思想簡介」
Law Wing Sang, Associate Professor, Cultural Studies, Lingnan University: "From Totalitarianism to Post-Totalitarianism: A Brief Introduction to Vaclav Havel"

45. 麥海華, 香港城市大學應用科學系助理教授,「學運回顧與前瞻」
Mak Hoi Wah, Assistant Professor, The City University of Hong Kong, “Retrospect and Prospect of the student movement”

46. 李劍明 香港城市大學專上學院 社會科學學部高級講師, 「金融化與香港的經濟不平等」
Lee Kim Ming, Senior Lecturor, Division of Social Sciences, Community College of City University, “Financialization and economic inequality in HK”

47. 劉彥方, 香港大學哲學系副教授, 「講題後補」
Joe Lau, Associate Professor, Philosophy, The University of Hong Kong, “Title to be added”

48. 黃國才, 理工大學設計學院助理教授, 『用藝術去改變世界「如何把遊行示威轉化成為你的私人藝術館」』
Kacey Wong, Assistant Professor, School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, “Using art to change the world (How to transform protest into your own art gallery)”

49. 竺永洪, 香港大學 社會工作及社會行政學系, 「罪。罪。誰的? 看衝擊」
Chuk Wing Hung Keswick, Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong, “Sin and Crime, who’s fault - view on confrontation"

50. 鍾樂偉,香港中文大學全球研究課程助理講師, 「韓國民主化與公民抗命史:對香港的啟示」
Steve Chung Lok-wai, Assistant Lecturer, Global Studies Programme, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, "Democratization and the History of Civil Disobedience in South Korea: Lessons for Hong Kong"

51. 張南峰, 嶺南大學翻譯系教授, 「從半個大陸人的角度看香港的昨天今天明天」
Chang Nam Fung, Professor, Translation, Lingnan University, “Hong Kong's Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow from the Perspective of a Half-Mainlander”

52. 何慶基, 香港中文大學文化及宗教研究系副教授, 「政治宣傳的傳統、技巧和應用於爭取社會公義」
Oscar Ho, Associate Professor, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, The Chinese University of Hong King, “The History, Techniques of Propaganda and its Application for Pursuing Social Justice”

53. 王邦華, 香港中文大學通識部講師,「民主有乜好?︰由柏拉圖的哲學王說起」
Wong Baldwin Bon Wah, Lecturer, Office of University General Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, “What is the value of democracy?: Beginning from the Platonic Guardians"

54. 姚松炎, 香港中文大學地理與資源管理學系副教授, 「認清香港住房問題的真相」
Yiu, Chung Yim, Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, “Examine the real housing problems in Hong Kong”

55. 歐陽偉豪, 香港中文大學高級講師, 「學是學非: 明辨政治語言是非」
Au Yeung, Wai Hoo Ben, Senior Lecturer, Chinese Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, “Linguistic analysis of political language”

* 56. 斯蒂芬 奧特曼, 香港城市大學亞洲與國際學系助理教授, 「比較香港與新加坡的民主運動」 (英語授課)
Stephen Ortman, Assistant Professor, Asian and International Studies, The City University of Hong Kong, “The Democracy Movement in Hong Kong and Singapore: Comparative Perspectives” (Class conducted in English)

57. 陳成斌,恒生管理學院通識系助理教授,「人權與民主的倫理學」
CHAN Shing Bun Benedict, Assistant Professor, Department of General Education, Hang Seng Management College, "Ethics of Human Rights and Democracy"

58. 鄭漢文, 香港中文大學教育行政學系專業顧問, 「大學教育的意義」
Roger Cheng, Professional Consultant, Educational Administration and Policy, “The meaning of university education”

59. 陳永浩, 恒生管理學院通識系助理教授, 「 另類國民教育:唱國歌,的確很感動流淚?」
CHAN Wing Ho Michael, Assistant Professor, Department of General Education, Hang Seng Management College, "An unique review to the National Album of PRC"

60. 崔明鳳,香港教育學院, 教育政策與領導學系講師, 工作坊題目:「直接行動與抗議,他們是對立的嗎?」(英語授課)
Trey Menefee, Lecturer, Department of Education Policy and Leadership (EPL), The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Workshop title: direct action and protest, are they antagonistic?” (Conducted in English)

61. 黃善國, 香港科技大學社會科學部教授, 「香港的非民主政制有否影響貧富差距和向上流動機會?」
Raymond Wong, Professor, Social Science, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, “Has Hong Kong's Non-democratic political structure Affected our Income Inequality and Chance of Social Mobility?

62. 張燦輝, 前中文大學通識教育主任, 「烏托邦與民主」
Cheung Chan Fai, former Director of University General Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong ““Utopia and Democracy”

63. 王維仁,香港大學建築系教授, 「空間與政治 I: 建築,政治,與中環的城市空間」
Wang Wei Jen, Professor, Department of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong “Politics of Space I: Architecture, Politics and Urban Spaces of the Central”

64. 朱濤,香港大學建築系助理教授, 「空間與政治 II : 在地面上行走的權力」
Zhu Tao, Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong, “Politics of Space II: The Ground as A Political Space”

65. 周昭和, 香港教育研究所學生活動文學碩士課程兼任講師, 「講座:香港中學民主發展與課外活動的關係」或 「工作坊:從太極拳原理看和平佔中的中正安舒」
CHOW Chiu Woo. Part-Time Lecturer of MA in Students Activities Programme. “Relationship between Democracy and Extra-curricular Activities in Secondary School at Hong Kong.” or “Workshop: Interpreting OCLP from view of Taichi Chuan”

66. 應亮, 香港演藝學院電影電視學院 兼職講師, 「電影:行動的另一種可能」
YING Liang, part-time lecturer, School of Film/TV, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, “Film as an Action”.

67. 譚翼輝, 香港浸會大學宗教及哲學系講師, 「天主教社會訓導與公民抗命」
Tam Yik Fai, Lecturer, Department of Religion and Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University, "Catholic Social Teaching and Civic Disobedience"

68. 莊耀洸, 香港教育學院專任導師, 「普選的國際人權標準」
Chong Yiu Kwong, Teaching Fellow, Hong Kong Institute of Education, "International human standard of universal suffrage"

69. 方翠琪, 香港城市大學公共政策學系, 未有題供中文譯名
Maria Francesch, Department of Public Policy, City U, ‘Democracy Reloaded’ Summer in Luzern with Three Big: Mansbridge, Goodin and Schmitter.” or Public Participation and Sustainable Development in HK.

70. 梁志遠, 香港理工大學應用社會科學系專任導師「政改的反叛者: 從亞林斯基的公民組織及社會行動談起」

71. 胡世君,香港專業教育學院幼兒教育及社會服務系講師,『 從「工作假期」回到「主場」拯救阿媽』
Kenneth Wu, Lecturer, Department of Child Education and Community Services, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, “English title to be translated”

* 72. (中文資料後補)
David Lloyd Smith, Senior Lecturer, History Department, Lingnan University “Totalitarianism And George Orwell’s Animal Farm and 1984"

73. 張婉雯, 香港理工大學中文及雙語系導師, 動物權益團體「動物地球」幹事」;
陳燕遐, 香港中文大學自學中心高級講師, 講題:「動物權益與社會公義」
Cheung Yuen Man, Language Instructor, The Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Animal Earth;
Chan Yin Ha, Senior Lecturer, Independent Learning Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Topic: “Animal rights and Social Justice”

74. 陳燕遐, 香港中文大學自學中心高級講師, 「文學之必要,想像之必要:從《我城》、浮城,到《飛氈》」
Chan Yin Ha, Senior Lecturer, Independent Learning Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, “The Necessity of Literature and Imagination: From My City, Floating City, to Flying Carpet”

75. 潘達培, 中文大學新聞與傳播學院專業顧問, 「紀錄片如何改變社會」
Eric Poon, Professional Consultant, School of Journalism & Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, “The role of documentary in social change“

76. 陳嘉銘, 香港中文大學文化與宗教研究系講師, 「小狗Bungy眼中的大千世界 - 動物與現代 (香港)」
Chan Ka Ming, Lecturer, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, “Big Big World, Bun Bun's World - Animal Culture in Modern (HK) Society"

77. 孟繁麟, 牛津大學政治哲學博士候選人, 「思考方法學、昂山素姬反極權」
Franz Mang, PhD candidate in political philosophy, Oxford University, Methodology of Critical Thinking and Aung San Suu Syi,

78. 方奕霖, 香港理工大學專上學院高級講師,「不死民主心:通識教育、群眾覺醒、信念堅持」
Fong Yik Lam Andy, Senior Lecturer, Communication and Social Sciences, Hong Kong Community College, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University “Upholding the living heart of democracy: liberal education, people consciousness and perseverance of faith”

79. 林榮鈞, 恒生管理學院通識教育系助理教授, 「天主教與民主」
Lam Wing Kwan AnselmAssistant Professor, Department of General Education Hang Seng Management College, “Catholic Social Teaching and Democracy”

80. 鄭松泰, 香港理工大學應用社會科學系特任導師, 「如何與村民對話︰本土、民主、反共」
Cheng, Chung Tai, Teaching Fellow, Applied Social Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, “english title to be translated”

81. 潘美蘭,香港理工大學香港專上學院講師,「從心理學解構『認命』與『抗命』」
May POON, Lecturer, Hong Kong Community College, PolyU, “For or Against “Destiny”? Interpretation from psychological perspectives”

82. 四維出世, 香港演藝學院電影電視學院兼職講師, 「中文題目後補」
Born Lo, Part-time Lecturer of School of FTV at HKAPA ”screening “Hangmen Also Die! (Director: Fritz Lang, 1943) and discuss.

83. 關信基, 香港中文大學政治及行政學系榮休講座教授, 「理想與現實」
Kuan Hsin-Chi, Chair Professor (retired), Government and Public Administration, “Pragmatism and Idealism”

* Talks conducted in English