



何:So glad to know what you had the experience of serving on the Committee of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at your university. Are you aware of HKU's involvement in the HeforShe UN initiative? Many studies on the higher education sector have told us that it is very difficult/more difficult for women to get tenured, it is very very difficult for women to be promoted to full professors, not to mention becoming the Dean or taking up senior management positions! How do you nurture an environment that will help women climb to the top and become the world leader that you have just talked about! What can we expect from the President's Office if you were to become the Vice Chancellor?

張:Berkeley 剛有 一個 female president 呀! 有啲 good role models 對 high school girls and blah blah blah 好重要啊!

大致是這樣吧,反正都是沒有內容的簡短幾句敷衍的說話。因為我手中已經沒有 mic, 我只好大聲問:

何:So what will you do for us?
張:要了解和硏究一下 ... 。

他沒有再說要做甚麼領袖了。 這就是我們的新校長。

其他問題?當然有:港獨、學術自由、言論自由,電視新聞已有報道:「自由?當然是要有 limit 㗎喇!要合乎法律和道德!」


為了搞清楚這個問題,中午我再去招待 alumni 那一場。同一問題,同一答案,今次我更清清楚楚的聽到和見到有一大班人拍得好大聲!同場有一些校友和我也交換了吃驚的眼神,之後也有人和我同聲一哭。

