
賣藝者言2007@平民班房: 「我所想說關於流行音樂的話」(All I wanna talk about Pop Music) _ 講座 Lecture : 我們的經典流行曲? Our Classic?


People’s Classroom 2007


All I wanna talk about Pop Music

2007.06.07 星期四 Thu

講座 Lecture : 我們的經典流行曲? Our Classic?




CantoPop, a term we’re proud of, or a word we’re shame of?

Do we really have greatest music ever, or they are merely products of Commercialism?

Are Pirate or Downloading really threatening the career of music workers, or we can’t find any ground to support them any more?

時間 : 2007.06.07 Thu 7.30 pm

地點 : 香港獨立媒體 @ 香港銅鑼灣軒尼詩道365號富德樓9字樓

Inmedia 9/F Fu Tak Biulding, 365 Hennessy Road, Hong Kong.

語言 : 廣東話及英語 Cantonese and English

講者 : born lo

architect, critique, film worker, lecturer, and band member

建築設計師 ,文化評論人 ,電影工作者 ,大學講師及樂隊成員

http://born-born.blogspot.com/ please switch to [unicode (UTF-8) coding] for browsing

電話 : 2147 0788

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