

香港婦女基督徒協會 香港基督徒學生運動 合辦



提起緬甸,每多令人想起昂山素姬。到底緬甸人民為何愛戴昂山素姬,並視她為緬甸的精神領袖? 緬甸的文化及政治又有怎樣的一幅地圖?

我們邀請了在港的緬甸朋友現場分享, 讓我們了解緬甸更多的同時 , 也向在港的緬甸朋友表達關心及慰問.

日期: 2007年 10月31 日(三)
時間: 晚上 7:30-9:00
地點: 香港婦女基督徒協會 (見註)
主持: 麥明儀 (全球基督徒團結陣線) 及潘韻如(香港基督徒學生運動)
分享朋友: 在港的緬甸朋友
內容: (1)緬甸與昂山素姬;
查詢:請致電27210477 或電郵[email protected](香港婦女基督徒協會 )

(一) 前往香港婦女基督徒協會路線:
1. 樂富地鐵站A出口,右轉上聯合道,過馬路往樂富村方向直行即可。
2. 樂富地鐵站A出口,經吉之島 一樓童裝部樂富村出口,穿過往樂富村隧道直行即可。
(二) 為了保障分享朋友的安全,分享會將不準許任何採訪、攝影及錄音,敬請參與者留意。
(三) 會後設回應貢獻,以資助緬甸朋友的交通費用,餘款將撥捐緬甸孤兒院。

Knowing Burma

This September, a protest led by the Buddhist monks of Burma has been the focus of the whole world. As we know, it was driven by the bus fare increased five-folds as the military junta raised fuel price over 150%!

But why were the monks who went out to speak up for the people?

On the other hand, Aung San Suu Kyi is the icon of Burma, but why do the Burmese love her so much? What has she done for her people?

In fact, do you ever know Burma? Her location on map, her history and culture, are all of these very strange to you?

We are delighted to have Burmese guest speakers to help us to know more about Burma, and let us to struggle with their people as well.

Please join us:

Date: 31Oct, 2007 (Wed)
Time: 730pm
Venue: Hong Kong Women Christian Council (Lok Fu MTR station Exit A, walk through the
tunnel on 1st floor from Kids’ Wear Department, Jusco to Lok Fu Estate)
Moderators: Mak, Ming Yee (Christian Solidarity Worldwide Hong Kong),
Poon, Wan yu (Student Christian Movement of Hong Kong)
Speaker: Burmese students in HK
Activities: Sharing, video, Q&A
Enquiry: 2721 0477/ [email protected]

We welcome anyone who concern about Burma! Please come to struggle with the Burmese!

1. For the sake of those Burmese attendants, no photos, video recording or audio recording is allowed.
2. Admission is free, and donations are welcome to support the fare of those Burmese attendants, the leftover will be donated to the orphanage in Burma as well.

Organized by: Hong Kong Women Christian Council
Student Christian Movement of Hong Kong