

從網上看到一個很好的網站: http://www.pambazuka.org, 它是一個由fahamu (社會公義網絡)組織的新聞網站, 從一個公義的角度去分析和討論非洲的貧窮問題: 包括人權, 債務, 疾病, 環境等議題.

編輯認為非洲的貧窮問題是因為制度不公所造成的 dispossess

Exactly how much wealth does Africa lose every year? Third World
repayments of $340 billion each year flow northwards to service a $2.2
trillion debt, more than five times the G8's development aid budget...

Sub-Saharan Africa today still suffers the dispossession of wealth,
along two trajectories: South-North resource flows, and adverse
internal class formation. In the former case, the central processes are
associated with exploitative debt and finance, phantom aid, capital
flight, unfair trade, distorted investment, ecological exploitation and
the 'brain drain'.

In the latter case, instead of accumulation and class formation via an
organic middle class and productive capitalist class, Africa has seen
an excessively powerful 'comprador'-oriented ruling elite whose income
is based upon financial-parasitical accumulation and
political-bureaucratic patronage power, which in turn is then subject
to vast capital flight...

貧窮跟債務, 不平等發展和國內的階級問題息息相關, 約不改變制度, 人材流失, 貪污腐敗仍舊, 窮者難以翻身.
