
中區 警署《香港深圳城市\建築雙城雙年展》導賞團

中區 警署《香港深圳城市\建築雙城雙年展》導賞團


作為建築、設計與 規劃的項目,這是香港本地一個具野心的大型展覽,呈現本地及外地創意產業界大師的作品。國際級大師的參與為本地的創意族群帶來新衝擊,亦提升公眾人士對前衛建築及規劃的眼界。舉辦單位盼是次活動能有效地帶動深港兩地,以至珠三角及大中華地區的文化交流。


日期:    3月8日(星期六)

時間:    中午12時半至下午1時半

地點:    香港荷李活道十號中區警署建築群

報名:    電郵[email protected] (留下姓 名、電話及公司/機構名稱)

查詢:      (電話) 8200-6332

                電郵[email protected]

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Central Police Station Compound:“Refabricating City - Hong Kong & Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture”


The Professional Commons is glad to organize and invite you to join a guided tour of an exhibition: “Refabricating City - Hong Kong & Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture”.

The Biennale venue is at the Central Police Station Compound. Built in the mid-19th century during the early years of Hong Kong's colonial period, this historical compound is an important cluster of listed monuments in Central that once housed the police force, judiciary and prison systems. Because of its historical and cultural significance, the Central Police Station Compound is one of the key concerns of the cultural and conservation groups in Hong Kong. Since ProCommons has been looking at the cultural development and conservation policy of Hong Kong, and is concerned about the implementation of Central Police Station Compound conservation, we believe that many of you would be interested in the visit to the site and the exhibition.

“The Hong Kong & Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism / Architecture” is the first ever exposition on the architecture and the urban environment co-hosted by Hong Kong and Shenzhen. The Hong Kong exhibition has the theme of ”Refabricating City”. It intends to explore and compare Hong Kong's urban conditions to international cities worldwide, stimulate public debate about the quality and modes of city living and relevant social and cultural issues, and to show how architecture and urban spaces are intimately linked to our daily life. The exhibition, divided into 6 sections - Mapping Fabric, Building Fabric, Modelling Hong Kong, Networking Cities, Transforming Fabric and Envisioning Fabric - celebrates the venue's intricate spaces and sequences fabricated through the interweaving of buildings and spaces and the placement of exhibits.


You are cordially invited to join the guided tour of the exhibition. The details are as follows:


Date:              8th March 08 (Sat),

Time:               12:30pm – 1:30pm

Venue:             Central Police Station Compound, 10 Hollywood Road, Hong Kong

Registration:   email: <[email protected]>

For any enquiries, please contact Adrian Lui at 8200 6332 or email <[email protected]> .


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