
性傾向歧視立法 Legislation for discrimination onnsexual orientation

Critics on Gay Movement on Sexual Orientation Discrimination In 2003,

the Queen announces the UK Government’s intention topublish a Civil Partnerships Bill. In 2004, the Bill came intoeffect. Gay marriage in the form of “Civil Union” has since then berecognized in UK. On Wednesday 9 January, the gay movement moved steps ahead.Measures protecting gay and lesbians from discrimination will beenacted into law soon. Provisions were made in the Criminal Justiceand Immigration Bill to outlaw stirring up hatred on grounds ofsexual orientation. The Bill is pending debate by the House of Lordsin coming weeks.

While at the Hong Kong front, at 10:00am on 18 and 19 February, theHigh Court will hear a judicial review filed by lesbian activist SiuCho on behalf of three RTHK work staffs whom were alleged to havebroadcasted content unjustly, incompletely, and prejudiciallyinclinedto gay love leading to the impact of promoting gay marriage. Incontrast with the UK enactments for gay marriage and gay protection,and in respect of cultural mentality, Hong Kong as the international financial and trade centre is indeed a decade backward.

自二零零三年, 英女皇提出英國有意立法保障同志婚姻權利之後,二零零四英國同志巳能夠以CIVIL PARTNERSHIP的形式締結婚姻. 二零零七年一月九日, 英國的同運向前邁進了一大步. 以往保障男女同志免被歧視的措施, 現巳變成草案. 下議院通過之後, 巳交上議院辯論, 有機會被寫入英國法例之內. 萬眾期待下星期, 英國上議院內保守派和開明派之間的熱烈討論.

相對而言, 香港的廣管局曾發出「強烈勸喻」,指香港電台某節目其「報道內容不公、不完整、偏袒同性戀,產生鼓吹接受同性婚姻的效果」. 同志組織皆感到極度不滿. 前線同志小曹代三位香港電台員工提出司法覆核, 2月18及19日,高等法院將於早上十時審理此案. 相比英國同運中,保障同志婚姻權的法律,和保障同志免被歧視的法律兩方面的發展日漸走向正軌, 香港作為全球其中重要的金融貿易中心, 在精神文化的發展, 不容致疑的巳落後多年.

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