
平民班房2008: 「大師的凝望」 _ 電影選播 : 《鸛鳥踟躕》(The Suspended Steps of The Stork)

平民班房2008: 「大師的凝望」 _ 電影選播 : 《鸛鳥踟躕》(The Suspended Steps of The Stork)

People’s Classroom 2008

大師的凝望 Master Film Auteurs
2008.09.18 星期四 Thu

電影選播 : 《鸛鳥踟躕》(The Suspended Steps of The Stork)

西奥‧安哲羅普洛斯Theo Angelopoulos


希臘語對白 英文/中文字幕 136 min 彩色 1991
A TV reporter, is working for a few days in a border town, where a lot of refugees from Albania, Turkey and Kurdistan are packed in. Among them, he notices an old man and thinks he is an important Greek politician who disappeared mysteriously a few years ago. Back in Athens, he asks this politician's former wife to come and identify him.

Colour Film Greek Dialogues with English / Chinese Subtitles 136 min 1991

時間 : 2008.09.18 Thu 7.30 pm
地點 : 香港獨立媒體@香港銅鑼灣軒尼詩道365號富德樓9字樓
Inmedia 9/F Fu Tak Building, 365 Hennessy Road, Hong Kong.
電話 : 2147 0788
導讀 : born 出世
言語 : 廣東話及英語

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