
代帶行李過關 違反國際民用航空公約

代帶行李過關 違反國際民用航空公約


而就國際民航安全角度,由地勤人員協助運行李,顯然是違反國際民航公約《Convention on International Civil Aviation》,香港機場是簽約國。

根據公約,行李須由乘客親自帶過關,該條文為 "regulations relating to entry,clearance, immigration, passports, customs, and quarantine shall be complied with by or on behalf of such passengers"。該句的意思是要由乘客親自處理行李,就算廣義一點可找代表,但顯然該地勤沒有可能代表亦並非自願為689的女兒帶行李,所以689一家大鬧機場運行李事件,已違反國際公約。



Entry and clearance regulations

The laws and regulations of a contracting State as to the admission to or departure from its territory of passengers, crew or cargo of aircraft, such as regulations relating to entry, clearance, immigration, passports, customs, and quarantineshall be complied with by or on behalf of such passengers, crew or cargo upon entrance into or departure from, or while within the territory of that State.