
「中國維權律師與法治」研討會 Conference on “Rights Protection (Weiquan) Lawyers and the Rule of Law in China”

Details updated on 19 April 2007



Since some speakers from mainland China cannot come to Hong Kong due to some sudden circumstances, we have updated the programme of the conference as follows.


研討會 Conference


“Rights Protection (Weiquan) Lawyers and the Rule of Law in China”

香港大學比較法及公法研究中心、中國維權律師關注組 合辦

Co-organised by:

Centre for Comparative and Public Law, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong

China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group

日期 (Date)
21 April 2007

時間 (Time)
10am – 1:30pm

地點 (Venue)
Council Chamber, 8/F Meng Wah Complex, The University of Hong Kong

會議程序 (Programme):

10:00 – 10:05 開幕致辭 Opening Speech
陳文敏教授Professor Johannes M.M. Chan S.C.
- 香港大學法學院院長
Dean of Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong

會議第一部分 (First discussion panel):

I. 中國刑事辯護律師面對的危險與機會
I. The Risks and Opportunities of Criminal Defense Lawyers

主持 (Chair):

陳弘毅教授 Professor Albert Chen Hung-yee
- 香港大學法律學院教授
Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong

講者 (Speakers):

10:05am – 10:25am 莫少平律師 Lawyer Mo Shaoping
- 著名北京維權律師
A prominent human rights lawyer in Beijing
- 北京莫少平律師事務所主任
Founder and Director of Mo Shaoping Law Firm in Beijing
(Topic: Article 306 of the PRC Criminal Law and Article 45 of the PRC Lawyers Law)

10:25am – 10:45am 王友金教授Professor Ong Yew-kim
- 中國維權律師關注組顧問
Advisor, China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group
- 香港中文大學亞太研究所中國法制研究計劃研
Honorary Research Fellow, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong
(Topic: Difficulties facing criminal defense lawyers in China)

評論 (Discussants):

10:45am – 10:55am 張耀良大律師 Barrister Mr. Cheung Yiu-leung
- 中國維權律師關注組中國事務秘書
Mainland Affairs Secretary, China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group

10:55am – 11:05am 傅華伶博士 Dr. Fu Hualing
- 香港大學法律學院副教授
Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong
- 香港大學法律學院比較法及公法研究中心主任
Director, Centre for Comparative and Public Law, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong

11:05am – 11:25am 問答環節 Question and Answer session

11:25am – 11:40am Tea break

會議第二部分 (Second discussion panel):

II. 保護維權律師的權益及法治的發展
II. Rights Protection (Weiquan) Lawyers and the Development of the Rule of Law

主持 (Chair):

何俊仁律師 Lawyer Albert Ho Chun-yan
- 香港立法會議員
Member of the Legislative Council, HKSAR
- 中國維權律師關注組主席
Chairman, China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group

講者 (Speakers):

11:40am – 12:00am 傅華伶博士 Dr. Fu Hualing
- 香港大學法律學院副教授
Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong
- 香港大學法律學院比較法及公法研究中心主任
Director, Centre for Comparative and Public Law, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong
(Topic: Rights Defenders in China: a typology)

12:00am – 12:20pm 艾華教授 Professor Eva Pils
- 香港中文大學法律學院助理教授
Assistant Professor, School of Law, Chinese University of Hong Kong
(Topic: Rights Lawyering in China: A case study)

12:20pm – 12:40pm 許志永博士Dr. Xu Zhiyong
(待定) (To be confirmed)
- 中國郵電大學文法經濟學院講師
Lecturer, Faculty of Arts, Law and Economics, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
(Topic: Limit and potential of rights protection (weiquan) lawyering)

評論 (Discussants):

12:40pm – 12:50pm 阮柔安女士 Ms. Roseann Rife
- 中國人權香港項目主任
Program Director of Hong Kong Office, Human Rights in China

12:50pm – 1:00pm 馬禮誠先生 Mr. Mark Allison
- 國際特赦組織東亞部研究主任
East Asia Researcher, Amnesty International Asia-Pacific Regional Office

1:00pm – 1:20pm 問答環節 Question and Answer session

1:20pm – 1:25pm 閉幕致辭 Closing Speech
何俊仁律師 Lawyer Albert Ho Chun-yan
- 香港立法會議員
Member of the Legislative Council, HKSAR
- 中國維權律師關注組主席
Chairman, China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group

* 會議提供英語及普通話即時傳譯
* Simultaneous interpretation in English and Putonghua is provided.

Centre for Comparative and Public Law
Tel: (852) 28592941, Fax: (852) 25498495
Secretary: Flora Leung Email: [email protected]

秘書 Flora Leung
電話:(852) 28592941 電郵:[email protected]

China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group
Tel: (852) 2868 2919, Fax: (852) 2868 2797, 2877 0561
Executive Secretary: Patrick Poon
Email: [email protected]

執行秘書 潘嘉偉
電話:28682919 電郵:[email protected]


Original version

See English version below




2007 年4 月21 日





I. 中國刑事辯護律師面對的危險與機會



- 全國律師協會刑事專業委員會主任

- 北京京都律師事務所主任

(主講:中華人民共和國刑法第306 條及律師法第45 條)


- 著名北京維權律師

- 北京莫少平律師事務所主任




- 香港大學法律學院副教授、香港大學法律學院比較法及公法研究中心主任


- 中國維權律師關注組中國事務秘書

II. 維護弱勢社群的利益



- 武漢大學法學院講師



- 重慶周立太律師事務所主任




- 中國維權律師關注組顧問

- 香港中文大學亞太研究所中國法制研究計劃研究員

馬禮誠先生 (Mark Allison)

- 國際特赦組織東亞部研究主任

III. 保護維權律師的權益及法治的發展



- 中國政法大學法學院講師



- 中國郵電大學文法經濟學院講師



阮柔安女士 (Roseann Rife)

- 中國人權香港項目主任

艾華教授 (Eva Pils)

- 香港中文大學法律學院助理教授



秘書 Flora Leung
電話:(852) 28592941  電郵:
[email protected]

執行秘書 潘嘉偉
電話:28682919  電郵:
[email protected]

You are cordially invited to attend a conference jointly organised by:

Centre for Comparative and Public Law, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong


China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group

“Rights Protection (Weiquan) Lawyers

and the Rule of Law in China”

21 April 2007

10am – 5pm

Council Chamber, 8/F Meng Wah Complex, The University of Hong Kong

We hope that by holding this conference we will be able to raise the public awareness, especially among the legal professionals here in Hong Kong, about the current situation of human rights lawyers in mainland China. It also provides an opportunity for mainland lawyers and legal scholars to have academic exchange with legal professionals and legal scholars in Hong Kong.

Discussion Panels:

I. The Risks and Opportunities of Criminal Defense Lawyers


Lawyer Tian Wenchang ( 田文昌律師)
- Chairman of the Criminal Law Committee of the All China Lawyers Association,
- Founder and Director of King and Capital Lawyers law firm in Beijing
(Topic: Article 306 of the PRC Criminal Law and Article 45 of the PRC Lawyers Law)

Lawyer Mo Shaoping ( 莫少平律師 )
- A prominent human rights lawyer in Beijing,
- Founder and Director of Mo Shaoping Law Firm in Beijing
(Topic: Defense in national security offences)


Dr. Fu Hualing ( 傅華伶博士)
- Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong
- Director, Centre for Comparative and Public Law, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong

Mr. Cheung Yiu-leung ( 張耀良大律師)
- Barrister
- Mainland Affairs Secretary, China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group

II. Defending the Rights of Vulnerable Groups


Dr Zhang Wanhong ( 張萬洪博士)
- Lecturer, School of Law, Wuhan University
(Topic: Legal aid in rural communities)

Lawyer Zhou Litai ( 周立太律師)
- Director of Zhou Litai Law Firm in Chongqing
(Topic: Public interest lawyering for migrant workers)


Professor Ong Yew-kim ( 王友金教授)
- Advisor, China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group,
- Honorary Research Fellow, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Mr. Mark Allison ( 馬禮誠先生)
- East Asia Researcher, Amnesty International Asia-Pacific Regional Office

III. Rights Protection (Weiquan) Lawyers and the Development of the Rule of Law


Dr Teng Biao ( 滕彪博士)
- Lecturer, Law School of China University of Political Science and Law
(Topic: Human rights lawyers and Constitutionalism)

Dr Xu Zhiyong ( 許志永博士)
- Lecturer, Faculty of Arts, Law and Economics, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
(Topic: Limit and potential of rights protection (weiquan) lawyering)


Ms. Roseann Rife ( 阮柔安女士)
- Program Director of Hong Kong Office, Human Rights in China

Professor Eva Pils ( 艾華教授)
- Assistant Professor, School of Law, Chinese University of Hong Kong

* Simultaneous interpretation in English and Putonghua will be provided.


Centre for Comparative and Public Law
4/F KK Leung Building, University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 28592941, Fax: (852) 25498495
Secretary: Flora Leung Email:
[email protected]

China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group
Rooms 901-2, 9/F, Takshing House, 20 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong.
Tel: (852) 2868 2919, Fax: (852) 2868 2797, 2877 0561
Executive Secretary: Patrick Poon
[email protected]