
Rockson Takumi:Renew my lan cheow, ok?

按:孤陋寡聞,現在才現識Singlish的趣味及創意,馬來西亞朋友Jeremiah在新加坡生活了十多年,他介紹一些好看的新加坡Blog給我看,其中一位以Singlish批判新加坡政府(Talk Rock),可謂不遺餘力,扺死辛辣風趣,不妨節錄以下段落,全文可看此,小弟把一些大家可能看不懂的Singlish在括號中稍作解釋,如有錯漏,請各方君子指正。


Renew my lan cheow[即"penis",福建話 ], ok?

The other day, I got see the Strait Time say the PAP[即"人民行動黨"] and the gahmen [即"government"] (they are the same thing) is like to do something call Retire, Refresh and Renew.

This is I think a fucking hao lian[傲慢地炫耀,類近廣東話的"演野",福建話] way to say Look! We always got change our MP one, let the old one retire to enjoy their million dollar salary, and let the new young punk come out to show they can also be gahmen.

Fuck your mother backside lah. Renew my lan cheow, ok? If they really believe in the new blood, how come still got Lau Lee [我想應指前總理及內閣資政"李光耀"] and Lau Goh[我想應指前總理"吳作楝"] still there? Where is the Retire part?

Even go and find one Refresh President also cannot, have to keep a 80 plus old man who want to long long want to Retire as president. Where is the Renew?... ...
