

生以華語為母語,成年後卻毫不浪漫地愛上英語的雙語者。現生活於一雙語社會,帶著對(古典)華語的再慕,以英語思考、業餘寫作,再嘗以中文重現想法。開網誌存偶得於網路,礪絀筆以娛己。 Raised with Chinese as the native tongue but grown to fall in love with English rather unromatically as an adult. Now an amateur writer living day-to-day in a bilingual society, who , with a recently re-found admiration of (classical) Chinese, thinks and writes mainly in English and reproduces the ideas again in Chinese. Hence the idea of an bilingual blog, to sit brainchildren and grind the pen online for pleasure.
