
「 燃點民主 希望」 五四燭光集會

「 燃點民主 希望」五四燭光集會

05年 5 月4 日( 星期三)
7:30pm 中環遮打花園

《心靈回歸新希望 改革制度為明天》





凝聚力量 延續民運

發揚新五四精神 全民決心爭民主

請廣傳:「燃點民主希望」燭光集會 E-card

A spiritual new hope A reform for tomorrow

"We want to see Hong Kong as our home and make every effort to build Hong Kong.

We will uphold the May 4 spirit, love our Motherland and fight for democracy!"

Oppose the small circle election! Fight for democracy!

Fight for universal suffrage of the CE and the Legco!

"Kindle democratic light":

May 4 candlelight vigil

May 4, 2005 (Wednesday) 7:30pm Central charter garden

Gather our forces  Prolong May 4 spirit  Fight for democracy