


你好!感謝閣下一直對保護海港協會的支持,城規會終於落實於七月二十二日(即本星期五)討論本會於去年九月遞交的中環土地用途建議書。請登上本會網頁 (http://www.harbourprotection.org/html/all_page_d_b5.htm),下載一人一信。請立即把握機會,以個人名義,在附件文件上簽署,並以傳真或電郵方式(請不要以附件形式)遞交城規會及本會,表達反對中環填海的意見。
Dear Friends of the Harbour,
Hello, FOTH ! Thank you for your support for Society for Protection of the Harbour! Town Planning Board finally agreed to meet us on July 22 (This  Friday ) and discuss our Rezoning Request--The Central District (Extension) Outline Zoning Plan, which we submitted last year in September.
Please go to our website (www.harbourprotection.org/html/all_page_d_eng.htm),download the letter to Town Planning Board. In order to express your objection on Central reclamation, please sign the letter and send it to Town Planning Board and us by fax or email (please do not send with attachment).
Furthermore, from June 10 this year, new Town Planning (Amendment) Ordinance 2004 has been impledmented, which supposed to bring significant improvement to public participation. However, the government said that proposals submitted before new law's enactment would be proceeded in the old way, which means the meeting on July 22 would be a discussion behind closed doors. This fails to allow more transparency in the planning process.
From the attached photo, we could see that there's on-going reclamation projects at the Central harbourfront. Protect the harbour, please sign the letter to the Town Planning Board. Please action now!
Friends of the Harbour