

據聞陳光誠已被安排送往北京機塲赴美。由此可以知道本人在5月3日和陳士齊(Jai Sze Chi Chan) (浸大宗哲系高級講師) 的辯論、及在5月4日發表的聲明、證明本人的思維再一次是正確的。



I have confident that Mr. Chen's issue can be settled satisfactory very soon. Not only because of the intervention of America, the whole world is now watching. The evil communist Chinese government can not cover the sky with it's hand !]]

5月3日Jai Sze Chi Chan (陳士齊 齋) 在本人facebook帖文上發表的言論:---[[…Now that US is betraying or `selling out' 陳光誠 its ugliness & blatant hypocrisy is there for all to see!]]

本人當天回應:---[[…Also I do not see that US is betraying or selling out 陳光誠 at all. In fact in the past history of US as everyone can see, US has been helping many many many such dissidents from china and from many other dictatorship countries. If no US, we can imagine how awful this world will become. If no US to help to fight for the evil communist china and all those communist countries (including fascism in 2nd world war). Everyone can imagine that we all shall live in a terrible world today.]]

P.S.--- Jai Sze Chi Chan (陳士齊)於2012年5月20日回應本人上面的帖文 :---
Jai Sze Chi Chan 回應說:---[[To Mr Chow, you probably have not heard Mr 劉銳紹之背景資料:許多如陳光誠的中國人向美國求助都不受理,只有夠知名度的陳光誠得美國人垂顧。Sigh! Hope you be more sophisticated to understand such incidents.
One incident can `prove' my previous viewpoint wrong, then how about Mr 劉銳紹's numerous incident??? Then you are wrong as many times as those incidents. Come on, be rational & logical. Please. Good bye!]]

本人回應:---[[Mr. Jai Sze Chi Chan , 請用實際的角度來看問題、全中國這麽多良心犯、相信數目字是天文數字、怎可能全部都拯救呢 ? 而事實上美國已經拯救了很多很多很多、中國及世界各國的良心犯了。而就今次陳光誠事件、證明你之前的言論是錯的!
Mr. Jai Sze Chi Chan, I did not say anything regarding any previous incidents, please do not 「屈我」!全世界的人都知道你是在、好像犯了錯的小孩子在打矛波!I know that you are mature people, please do not act like a child!You are wrong, and that is wrong. Whatever you say can not change this fact!]]
