
解說雪櫃 You Are What You Freeze

You Are What You Freeze: The Everyday Life of Storage

展覽日期 Date:2008.10.7 – 31
時間 Time:11am – 8pm
地點 Venue:集成展館 A-Link Plus
C.C. Wu Building, 302-308, Hennessy Road, Wanchai
節目查詢: e-mail: [email protected] tel: 27850428


雪櫃幾乎是家庭必備的電器,裡面的乾坤你知道多少?民間博物館計劃與樂施會及關注綜緩檢討聯盟合作是次展覽,選擇不同社會及經濟背景的家庭,進行有關雪櫃的研究。雪櫃裡面的食物--無論是來源、食用的模式、或貯存的方法--以至外觀的裝飾,都是自我或家庭身份及生活方式的視覺呈現,自覺或不自覺地訴說生活的故事。觀眾將會透過這視覺歷程,在展覽中重新看社會上多元化的生活模式, 從食物的選擇和處理方式看到不同家庭的生活處境,希望能刺激參觀者多角度反思社會現況。

Community Museum Project, in collaboration with Oxfam Hong Kong and Reviewing CSSA Alliance for this exhibition, is conducting a research on the contents of refrigerators, across a selected economic and social spectrum of households in Hong Kong. Through what are stored inside, a refrigerator can become an expression of one’s identities -- the origins of its contents, the pattern of usage, the way food is stored, and even the ways the appliances are decorated, all become a visual manifestation of a person’s or a family’s lifestyle. The stories behind make-up statements of our residents’ identities constructed both self-consciously or un-self-consciously. Through our (visual) discoveries, the audience is prompted to pay attention to our diverse domestic lifestyles and hopefully lead to a critical analysis of the choice of food and the ways of food processing from the exhibition.

特備節目 Special programme

展覽導賞 Guided Tour
日期 Date:10月11,18,25日﹙星期六﹚下午二至四時 / 18 October (Saturday), 11am (in English)

*另設有學校導賞團,有興趣者請電郵 [email protected] 查詢報名詳情
Meet the participating fridge owners to know more about their knowledge in food storage and livelihood stories.


1) 社會議題看得見
日期 Date:10月11日﹙星期六﹚下午四至七時

從電影、電視、媒體報導到展覽,社會議題可以以怎樣的創意形式呈現? 學者、創作人及社會運動人士將會檢視及展望種種視覺策略。同場放映《歌舞昇平》(張經緯導演,2007年),電影講述五個綜援家庭應對生活的過程,曾參與第23屆香港國際電影節(人道獎紀錄片競賽組),並為首爾獨立紀錄片電影及錄像節閉幕電影。

2) 窮風流
日期 Date:10月18日﹙星期六﹚下午四至七時
