
平民班房2008: 「大師的凝望」 _ 電影選播 : 《悲傷草原》(Weeping Meadow)

平民班房2008: 「大師的凝望」 _ 電影選播 : 《悲傷草原》(Weeping Meadow)

People’s Classroom 2008

安哲羅普洛斯的凝望 Master Film Auteurs
2008.10.30 星期四 Thu
電影選播 : 《悲傷草原》(Weeping Meadow)

西奥‧安哲羅普洛斯Theo Angelopoulos


2004 歐洲電影獎影評人費比西獎

希臘/英語對白 英文/中文字幕 162 min 彩色 2004
This is the first film of Theo Angelopoulos' trilogy. The story starts in 1919 with some greek refugees from Odessa arriving somewhere near Thessaloniki. Among these people are two small kids, Alexis and Eleni. Eleni is an orphan and she is also taken care by Alexis' family. The refugees build a small village somewhere near a river and we watch as the kids grow up and fall in love. But difficult times of dictatorship and war are coming...

2004 FIPRESCI Prize in European Film Awards

Colour Film Greek / English Dialogues with English / Chinese Subtitles 162 min 2004

時間 : 2008.10.30 Thu 7.30 pm
地點 : 香港獨立媒體@香港銅鑼灣軒尼詩道365號富德樓9字樓
Inmedia 9/F Fu Tak Building, 365 Hennessy Road, Hong Kong.
電話 : 2147 0788
導讀 : born 出世
言語 : 廣東話及英語

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Free Admission Sponsorship Welcome