
火狐 firefox

this column is more an informative one. introduce ideas, theories, sources of open sources.

the first post here, i want to introduce firefox from mozilla.
it is an open source freeware and a browser.

(open source's definition on open source initiative and on wikipendia, in which it is an open source project, an english free encyclopedia)

more and more people go for it and started to realize the importance of open source and against IE and microsoft. acutally, some european govt depts, and even singapore govt started to use firefox and open office and experiment the "living without microsoft", which some years ago, seemed impossible.

but, it is not impossible now...

from mozilla's own page about switching from IE to firefox.
you can direct and store bookmarks from IE, presonalize your own setting, on firefox.you can speed it up yourself and use it to subscribe rss feed.

here is an article named Firefox: The ultimate test for open source?
from zdnetuk

from living without mircosoft, Firefox open source browser attracting mainstream attention

taiwan's chinese mozilla site, firefox chinese verison. it is really cool.

a very good chinese writing about why we should use firefox, from dom's blog.

火狐與我的故事 – 為什麼你也要用Firefox

in this column, i don't want to generalize and simply pose a too utopian view on open source. i want to share information more. for me, it is an experiment, an on-going experiment of life, that is trying to live a different path of life where there are alternatives... and by a touch of sharing...

like the activities of blogging.