
聯署:反對香港大坑道 4-4C 號及毗連政府土地住宅發展的擬議行車通道及相關工程


A real estate developer has applied to the Town Planning Board for planning approval of constructing an “Access Road and Associated Works for Residential Development” over government land zoned as green belt. After a review of the relevant documents by experts and an assessment on site, we found that, if the project is not stopped in time, it would have far-reaching impacts on the surrounding. environment.



The Town Planning Board's consultation deadline is 15 July, 2016. If we manage to ground the application, the developer would have to re-draw this project.


We urge everyone to join our petition and reflect your opinions to the Town Planning Board. Also, spread this message to your neighbors and other citizens. Demand the Town Planning Board to make a decision that respects and values the public's opinion.


傳真:2877 0245
電郵:[email protected]
有關的規劃申請編號 : A/H6/80


《反對香港大坑道 4-4C 號及毗連政府土地住宅發展的擬議行車通道及相關工程》(下稱「此項目」)

我等強烈反對其申請 —— 原因如下:

一、地產商欲佔用公眾綠化地帶興建豪宅以牟取暴利,方會向城規會申請將毗連的政府土地作「住宅發展的擬議行車通道及相關工程」 用途;




五、此項目欲佔用政府公地,但無意帶來社會效益。地產商僅擁有1,946平方米土地,卻「獅子開大口」向政府索取1,950 平方米土地,改作私人車道及私家園林。 地產商貪得無厭,只為賺盡收益,卻犠牲了鄰近上千居民的生活環境。





Hong Kong, 6 July 2016

Chairman and Members
Town Planning Board
15/F, North Point Government Offices
333 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Fax: 2877 0245;
Email: [email protected]
Related Application No. A/H6/80

Dear Sirs and Madams,

Re: Planning application A/H6/80 No. 4-4C Tai Hang Road and adjoining Government Land

We strongly object to the captioned application – our reasons are as follows:
1. Developer wants to occupy green belt in Tai Hang for luxury apartments and applied to the Town Planning Board for planning approval of constructing an “Access Road and Associated Works for Residential Development” over government land zoned as green belt.

2. After a review of the relevant documents by experts and an assessment on site, we found that, if the project is not stopped in time, it would have far-reaching impacts on the surrounding environment.

3. The 100m residential development is proposed to be built on the new podium such to seek a better viewsight. The podium would effectively change the height of the ground level of Tai Hang Road 4-4C from 23mPD to 73mPD. This is the only purpose of the proposed access road next to Trafalgar Court at Tai Hang Road 70, however it is not the only option for the entry of the building.

4. The public cost of the proposal is enormous: A large green belt would disappear, up to 50 trees will be removed, an excessive tall building will create a shadow over many surrounding developments and block sightlines, and traffic would increase at the already saturated roundabout of Lai Tak Tsuen Road and Tai Hang Road near the Hong Kong True Light Middle School.

5. The proposed use of government owned green belt serves no public purpose. The developer seeks to increase its lot of 1,946 square meters with another 1,950 square meters of government land for the access road and a private garden. It is simply a voracious proposal to maximize development gain at the cost of the local living environment of thousands of residents.

6. The traffic impacts of the 7-year construction and the subsequent use will be serious. The narrow winding Tai Hang Road aligned with schools and residential buildings is already saturated. The additional traffic will worsen congestion.

7. Changing the car park entrance from Tai Hang Road 4-4C to next to number 70 on top of the slope is unnecessary. In fact, keeping the entrance at the current location will spare the already congested Lai Tak Tsuen Road roundabout from new traffic demand.

8. We condemn the developer Century Shiner Limited, a subsidiary of Shenzhen Centralcon Investment Holding Co. Limited, and the directors Ribo YAO and Shanfeng YIN for this making this application. It is simply a ruse to be able to lift the podium level by 50 meters above the existing ground level to improve the views and the values of the planned new development at great cost to the local neighbourhood.

發起者 Initiator:

楊雪盈(灣仔區議員) Clarisse Yeung, Wan Chai District Councillor
司馬文(創建香港有限公司行政總裁) Paul Zimmerman, CEO, Designing Hong Kong Limited