
IMF 與肯雅的醫療危機

與二十年前對比, 肯雅的人平均壽命減了十年, 更多孩子夭折. 為什麼會這樣? 多得國際貨幣基金 IMF.

今年三月, 肯雅的醫療部門人員向媒體說, 公管醫療缺乏10,000專業人員, 但卻因為 IMF和世銀削減公營服務的經費而不請不到, 他衝口而出說: We can tell the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to go to hell.

以下是一些數據: Life expectancy declined from 57 in 1986 to 47 in 2000; infant
mortality increased from 62 per thousand in 1993 to 78 per thousand in
2003; and under-five mortality rose from 96 per thousand births to 114
per thousand in the same period. The percentage of children with
stunted growth increased from 29% in 1993 to 31% in 2003, and the
percentage of Kenya's children who are fully-vaccinated dropped from
79% in 1993 to 52% in 2003.
