


Alex Chow: We fear not political prosecution and oppression

周永康接受訪問 - 過堂程序完畢

我在庭上被控參與非法集會,我在庭上宣示了我不認罪。在庭上有個有趣的發現,審完我們三人後,輪到普通襲擊的案件,也是需要押後審理案件。檢控官希望可以盡快審理,而被告的代表律師只希望案件可以押後至十月尾,就像我們一樣。檢控官說案件是“pretty straight forward”,這時候,裁判法官說,「你說案件“pretty straight forward”,但你用了一年時間去做檢控,那這案件究竟是否“pretty straight forward”?」律政司檢控的理據和時間都反映所有檢控背後都有計算,並非像袁國強所言「不是政治檢控」。他連一個有關押後審案時間的提問都被裁判官揶揄時,充分可見律政司準備如何不足,並且現行司法及檢控制度(有)被政權用來濫權、濫用去打壓反抗制度的人士。


就著普通襲擊的幾單案件,被告的代表律師石大狀透露控方昨晚才提交文件,所以未有時間可以閱覽到。這似乎和前幾天控告四眼哥哥等人的案件犯上同樣錯誤,律政司似乎準備不足。究竟律政司的(檢控)決定是一個經過審慎準備的決定,還是裡面有很多政治計算?(答案)其實顯露無遺。因此,裁判官才認為檢控官認為這案件是pretty straight forward的說法是荒謬。


When we were in the court, the prosecutor would like to expedite the process of accusing some of our friends, but the judge thought that the reason proposed by the prosecutor was ridiculous. The prosecutor mentioned that the case was pretty straight forward so he hoped that the case could be expedited, but the judge claimed that if the case was “pretty straight forward”, why the police and the OJ took a year to accuse those people. This truly reflected that the case is totally a political prosecution, not simply about judgment of you violating the law or not.

We believe that we are not guilty because the trial is part of the civil disobedience. The civil disobedience, started last year in Hong Kong, was to resist the political and economic dictatorship, we would like to turn the system to be a more equal one. No matter CY Leung or Beijing, they resist accepting a more equal proposal on the election system, this resulted in an anger and resistance of Hong Kong people. It is the government which does wrong, not Hong Kong people, not the factors of the Umbrella Movement. Of course we would take the penalty and accept the political prosecution proposed by the government, but we would not fear them; we expect that the process of resistance would face some oppression, this is what we are facing now, but we would take an optimistic approach to face all the challenges ahead.

映像:SocREC 社會記錄協會@Peter