
中大聲明謂雙語政策不變 但稱八成學系決收國際生


CUHK Upholds Its Bilingual Language Policy
(English version next)


近日有誤傳香港中文大學採納新的教學語文政策,要求各課程自二○○五年秋起全面施行 英語教學。此外,亦有誤傳謂學系若不選擇招收非本地生,將被削減資源。

大學謹此聲明:以上二項消息均屬誤傳,絕無其事。大學堅持一貫的 雙語教學政策,容許各課程視其需要,自由選擇中文或英文為教學語言。故此並無任何新的教學語言政策。大學亦絕對尊重每個學系的自由選擇。不選擇招收非本地生的學系,本地本科生學額不變。所獲資源亦不變。


大學希望為同學提供一個多元化校園,擴闊同學的國際視野,讓他們接觸不同文化, 在未來數年,每年計劃錄取約280非本地學生,約為收生總數的百分之十。二○○四年度所取錄的非本地學生 已有230名左右,增加部分全在名額以外,不影響招收本地生數目。為保證所有非本地同學均有足夠的必修及 選修科目,以符合課程規定,取錄非本地學生的課程或學系,將需要提供足夠的科目,以英語授課,使他們能夠畢業。其他科目使用粵語、普通話或英語授課,繼續由各學系自定。 


由於各學科的情況各有特點,不可能有所謂「一刀切」的政策,所以大學去年十月底已通過 各學院副院長諮詢各學系和課程,邀請他們自由選擇,是否按以上開課條件,招收國際學生。八成以上學系及課程,十二月時已知會大學將會招收國際學生。今年一月,大學再請有關學系及課程確定, 是否有足夠英語授課科目,供下學年入學的非本地學生就讀,包括國際生及內地生在內,以開展內地及海外招生程序。各學系或系務會其後提供有關資料,入學及學生資助處經已集結上網。大學亦一直通過通函及 電子通訊方式,申明大學的有關政策。一月以來,部分教授、同學及校友對此事累積了一些誤解,大學正循各種途徑與有關學系溝通商議,協助他們應付問題,並澄清大學的雙語政策。



(一) 中文大學一貫採取雙語政策,此政策並無改變。  

(二) 所有學系/課程自由選擇是否錄取非本地生。  

(三) 只有選擇錄取非本地生的學系/課程,才須要符合以下要求(選擇不錄取非本地生的學系/課程,無須跟從以下要求):

(1) 所有必修科目必須最少有一組以英語講授。

(2) 所有必修科目的導修課、練習或實驗課堂,必須有至少一組以英語進行。

(3) 學系無須將全部科目均轉為英語講授,但為使同學能符合課程要求,必須開辦足夠的以英語授課的選修科目。

(4) 所有以英語授課的科目,考試題目必須有英文版本。

自創校以來,中文大學一直以培育雙語雙文化的人才,繼承並發揚中國文化,融會中西文化,堅守 通才教育,提升教育質素為目標。中大相信,隨著大學更趨多元化,校園將更添活力,每一位中大同學將享有進一步貼近社會與時代脈搏的大學教育,而中大亦更能落實其教育理想與創辦宗旨。



CUHK Upholds Its Bilingual Language Policy


Recently, there is a rumor that CUHK will implement a new language policy to change the medium of instruction to English for all courses in fall 2005. Another rumor has it that departments and programmes may have their funding reduced if they do not admit non-local students.

CUHK emphatically clarifies that there are no such new policies. The University has adopted since its inception a bilingual policy for the language of instruction which allows programmes to teach in either Chinese or English. This will not be changed. Also, departments that choose not to admit non-local students will not have their local student numbers affected; nor will their funding be reduced. The University fully respects their choices.

English-medium Courses Under the Bilingual Language Policy

CUHK has embraced the ideal of a broader student mix, in order to provide global exposure to students, to give them the opportunity to come into contact with different peoples and cultures, and to keep abreast of societal needs.  In moving forward, the University will in 2005 and the few years thereafter recruit around 280 non-local students annually from different countries and regions representing up to 10% of the total intake, up from 230 for 2004.  The increased non-local intake is beyond quota, so the number of local students to be admitted will not thereby be reduced.

In order to ensure that non-local students who are admitted to any programme will have sufficient required and elective courses in English to fulfill the graduation requirements, those programmes that elect to admit non-local students have committed themselves in this regard. They shall however continue to offer many other courses in Cantonese, Putonghua, or English as the case may be. The specific needs of individual disciplines will be respected by the University. 

Process of Consultation 

Since different programmes have their own distinctive features, it is unrealistic to set a uniform practice for all. Through the Associate Deans of Faculties, the University had invited individual departments/ programmes in late October last year to opt freely whether or not to admit international students, with a commitment of sufficient language provision as mentioned above.  Over 80% of the programmes replied in December that they would take part under these conditions. In January 2005, the University further consulted departments and programmes to confirm the list of English-medium courses to be offered for fall 2005, so that accurate information can be provided to overseas and mainland applicants on time. The information was collated and the list of departments/ programmes which will admit non-local students is now published by the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid.  For a number of months, the University has communicated its related policies and plans to staff and students through letters and e-news articles.  Recently, the University has noticed that there is misunderstanding of some issues among teachers, students and alumni; therefore the University will launch further efforts at communication and discussion, to see how the University can help with specific issues in particular departments. 

Bilingual Policy Reiterated

In moving towards a more diversified campus and the consequent adjustments to the language of instruction, some basic principles below have been adopted by the University:

(1) First and foremost, CUHK maintains a bilingual policy, and the intake of non-local undergraduate students is planned within that framework.

(2) Every department / programme should choose on its own whether to accept non-local students.

(3) Only those departments / programmes that choose to accept non-local students need to satisfy certain conditions on the language of instruction (those which choose not to accept non-local students need not follow the following requirements):

(a) All lectures in required courses must have at least one section taught in English.

(b) For required courses, at least one section of every tutorial, exercise or laboratory is conducted principally in English. 

(c) Sufficient (but not necessarily all) elective courses are offered in English, to enable students to fulfill the programme requirements.

(d) All examinations for courses taught in English must have an English version.

Since its inception, it has been the vision of CUHK to nurture talents of bilingual and bicultural character, to carry on and further develop Chinese culture, to bring together Chinese and Western cultures, to provide general education, and to enhance the quality of education.  CUHK believes that as the University becomes more diversified, the campus will become more vibrant, to the benefit of all CUHK students. In the meantime, it will be in an even better position to achieve its education mission.

Office of Registry Services, CUHK
6 February 2005