
中國維權律師關注組主席何俊仁致信胡錦濤 要求立即釋放郭飛雄





中華人民共和國北京市東城區北河沿大街147號 100726




雖然已作了長時間的調查,檢察院發現沒有找到足夠的證據起訴楊先生,但警方仍把他拘留,這是違反了《中華人民共和國刑事訴訟法》第六十五條: 「公安機關對於被拘留的人,應當在拘留後的二十四小時以內進行訊問。在發現不應當拘留的時候,必須立即釋放,發給釋放證明。對需要逮捕而證據還不充足的,可以取保候審或者監視居住。」






中國維權律師關注組主席何俊仁   敬上




Albert Ho, Chairman of China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group, Writes to President Hu Jintao Demanding Immediate Release of Guo Feixiong

                                                                  28 February 2007

President Hu Jintao
President's Office
People's Republic of China

Premier Wen Jiabao
11 Wenjinjie
Xicheng District, Beijing 100800
People's Republic of China

Zhou Yongkang
Minister of Public Security
14 Dong Chang'anjie
Dongcheng District, Beijing 100741
People's Republic of China

Jia Chunwang
Supreme People's Procuratorate
147 Beiheyan Dajie
Dongcheng District, Beijing 100726
People's Republic of China

Re: Immediately release legal rights activist Yang Maodong (Guo Feixiong)

Dear President Hu, Premier Wen, Minister Zhou and Procurator-General Jia,

We are writing to express our deep concern about the situation of human rights activist Yang Maodong, better known as Guo Feixiong ("Mr. Yang").

Mr. Yang was arrested by the Guangzhou police on 14 September 2006.  He was accused of "illegal business operations" for publishing books.  His case was transferred by the police to the Tianhe District Procuratorate in Guangzhou in early January 2007.  The Procuratorate found that there was insufficient evidence to support any criminal charge so Mr. Yang's case was transferred back to the police for further investigation.  However, according to news reports, on 20 January, the Guangzhou City Public Security Bureau suddenly and inexplicitly sent him to Shenyang in northeastern China for detention and further investigation.

Despite a lengthy investigation, the Procuratorate found that there was insufficient evidence for the criminal charge but the police still continue to detain Mr. Yang. The police have breached Article 65 of the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, which states: "A public security organ shall interrogate a detainee within 24 hours after detention. If it is found that the person should not have been detained, he must be immediately released and issued a release certificate. If the public security organ finds it necessary to arrest a detainee when sufficient evidence is still lacking, it may allow the detainee to obtain a guarantor pending trial or place him under residential surveillance."

In addition, Mr. Yang was reportedly beaten and tortured while being interrogated by the police.  The police actions have breached Article 43 of the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, which states: "Judges, procurators and investigators must, in accordance with the legally prescribed process, collect various kinds of evidence that can prove the criminal suspect's or defendant's guilt or innocence and the gravity of his crime.  It shall be strictly forbidden to extort confessions by torture and to collect evidence by threat, enticement, deceit or other unlawful means.  Conditions must be guaranteed for all citizens who are involved in a case or who have information about the circumstances of a case to objectively and fully furnish evidence and, except in special circumstances, they may be brought in to help the investigation."

Mr. Yang is a legal rights defender and is respected both in the mainland and internationally. He became famous after providing legal assistance to villagers in Taishi Village in Panyu, Guangdong Province, in regard to alleged corruption in the process of electing local officials in 2005.  In so doing, Mr. Yang made use of his legal knowledge as a legal representative to advise the villagers of their legal rights.  However, shortly thereafter, he was detained by the police for more than three months.  He was also a victim of subsequent attacks and harassment by unidentified thugs throughout the year of 2006. Mr. Yang's experience in the past and the ill-treatment he faces today has been attracting substantial international attention.

We request, and sincerely hope, that given the insufficient evidence, Mr. Yang should be immediately released and local officials should stop harassing him.

China is going to host the Olympic Games next year. This is a big international event that can help enhance our country's prestige and status in the international community. While the international community supports China hosting the Olympic Games, they also expect that such an event, which signifies world peace and cooperation, will take place in a country that respects human rights and freedom. Therefore, we believe that releasing human rights activists like Mr. Yang will help realize our country's promise of improving human rights records.

Thank you very much for your attention.

Yours sincerely,

Albert Ho Chun-yan        
China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group

For further comments, please contact our Chairperson Albert Ho at 77700119, Vice-chairperson Emily Lau at 77703332 or Executive Secretary Patrick Poon at 28682919.