
明光社行為和中共行為的比較II(updated 07/08/23)

6. Both love to hide their real intention behind facade of good-will, public interest....etc. Before siezeing the power in China, Chinese communist party has most often employ a stealth mode to engage the National government, has many 'friendly organizations' ready to strike within a command from the top; STL has at least six organizations share the same ideology. And it has incite many moral warfare through its proxy, or 'friendly' people.

7. Both are political parties, has the ultimate goal of radically alter the life and social system in their location. Chinese Communist Party apparently is successful in its attempt; while STL has fulfilled part of its missions(Anti-abortion, right to die, banning Astrology in TV).

8. Ruled by Dictatorship. No democracy inside, and doesn't like democracy outside. STL kick out Pastor Wong when he has disagreement with how STL conduct things, and Chinese communist party is not kind to those party member who lost in a power struggle. STL's target of moral warfare are often Pro-Democratic media.

9. The end justify the means philosophy, not hesitate to sacrifice their own kind when it is politically advantageous to do so. There are some reports of Chinese Communist Party physically abuse their member in the early stage, and in 7/25 fund-raising STL push their fundraiser to the street, knowing they are target of public wrath.

10. Use the name to cover the real goals of their ally organizations. For instance, almost all Pro-Beijing organizations in HK has the name with words like 'People','United','Alliance','Public',which the name con-notate it is part of the public. And STL has the name like 'Sex cultural association', the point is like China Communist Party,to misled the public into thinking that their ally is part of the public. That is part of their tactic for 'Minority pretending to Majority'.

6. 對內獨栽,打壓內部異見份子,明光社的黃牧師(不過基督教會內似乎素無民主可言), 中共失勢的胡耀邦是好證明。

7. 異常重視道德,強調僵化的倫理、教條式的道德,壓抑性慾; 中共不是一天到晚都要整治黨風,口號樣板戲多蘿蘿,但成效不彰,明光社就是再投訴,報紙雜誌仍然大賣露骨的成人內容,社會風氣不見得有改善。(尤其是當明光社對大惡霸東方報業網外一面,甚至和它的合作無間,打擊香港唯一一間老闆不是有政協背景的報紙) 中共的教條只管大原則、不理小節,而明光社只管行為大原則,不理手段、方法和後果。

8. 反民主,中共的人民民主專政,明光社最喜歡投訴打擊親泛民主派的壹周刊集團出版的報紙刊物,對親中共的東方、太陽上的成人內容視而不見,以同志為借口杯葛七一遊行,支持曾蔭權選特首;對民主政改毫無反應。和朱耀明牧師協助成立的民主發展網絡是兩種不同的人!

9. 十分善長玩分身,以少數充多數,中共在成立初期就有大量影子組織在國民黨控制區發動罷工罷市示威抗議,而此一策略後來廣泛被世界的左派運用,而明光社的同