







讓我們拉闊一點來看,先看整條《侵害人身條例》36條。36條的標題是〈意圖犯罪而襲擊或襲警等〉﹝Assault with intent to commit offence, or on police officer, etc.﹞,這是一條很老的法例,於一八六五年訂立,條例基本上是照抄殖民主英國本地的Offences Against the Person Act 1861 (c.100) section 38。《侵害人身條例》36條﹝之前的編號不同,見附件﹞訂立百多年來,變動極少,仍然是將罪行分為三類:

36 (a) 意圖犯可逮捕的罪行而襲擊他人;或
36 (b) 襲擊、抗拒或故意阻撓在正當執行職務的任何警務人員或在協助該警務人員的人;或
36 (c) 意圖抗拒或防止自已或其他人由於任何罪行受到合法拘捕或扣留而襲擊他人

另一邊廂,香港《警隊條例》也是一條老法例,在港大圖書館找到最老的版本是一八九零年,但比《侵害人身條例》新。這條法例在英國的對照是Police Act 1996 section 89(1),港英兩邊的條例在內容細節上有點分別,但原則是訂立一條刑罰較輕的襲擊警察罪。從一八九零到今天,《警隊條例》的襲警罪都是「襲擊或抗拒」﹝assaults or resists﹞連用。

大家會發現,如果拿比較早訂立的《侵害人身條例》和較遲訂立的《警隊條例》作比較,很明顯,當《警隊條例》那條判刑較輕的襲警罪出現後,《侵害人身條例》36 (b)便顯得重複,剩下令《侵害人身條例》36條能夠繼續與《警隊條例》襲警罪分別開來,並且能合理化前者較重的刑罰的,應是36條C,「意圖抗拒或防止自已或其他人由於任何罪行受到合法拘捕或扣留而襲擊他人」,這罪行明顯比「襲擊或抗拒」嚴重,因為同時是意圖抗拒合法的拘捕,即是「為了拒捕而襲擊」。

遇上這種重複立法情況,合理的做法是二擇其一,要維持一項較輕微的襲警罪,就不能同時保留一條內容一樣,但刑罰卻重得多的襲警罪。英國政府就是看到這個情況,先後在一九六四﹝Police Act 1964 (c. 48), Sch. 10 Pt. I﹞年和一九六七﹝Criminal Law Act 1967 (c. 58), Sch. 3 Pt. III﹞年,刪除了相當於36條B和36條A兩項罪行,剩下相當於36條C的罪行:
Assault with intent to commit felony, or on peace officers, &c

Whosoever shall assault any person with intent to resist or prevent the lawful apprehension or detainer of himself or of any other person for any offence, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and being convicted thereof shall be liable, at the discretion of the court, to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years.

筆者沒有時間翻查當年刪除條文的會議紀錄,不知道防止檢控單位濫權是否修訂條例的理由之一。但英國政府四十年前的做法,明顯的效果正是減少了可遭濫用的灰色地帶。香港的法律學者並非不意覺到問題,港大法律學院院長陳文敏在二十年前一個法律講座中也提到,《侵害人身條例》、《警隊條例》和《簡易程序治罪條例》的罪行內容重複而刑罰不同,情況古怪,"it is difficult to see why it is necessary to have three different ordinances to cover essentially the same offence. The maximum sentences are different in each statute. The maximum sentences under the Police Force Ordinance, Summary Offences Ordinance and the Offences Against the Person Ordinance respectively are $5,000 fine and six months' imprisonment; $1,000 fine and six months' imprisonment; and two years' imprisonment. Besides, a charge under section 36 of the Offences Against the Person Ordinance is an excepted offence to which a magistrate has no power to impose a suspended sentence (Criminal Procedure Ordinance s 109B and Second Schedule). All these distinctions do not seem to have a rational basis. "﹝頁八十六至八十七﹞不過又過了二十年,兩條法例依家原封不動,檢控部門便有了可乘之機。






Edition: 1901 Cap / Ordinance No.: No. 2 of 1865 Subsequent Cap No.: 212
34. any person who--
every person who--
(1) assaults any person with intent to commit felony; or
(2)assaults, resists, or wilfully obstructs any police officer in the due execution of his duty or any person acting in aid of such officer, or
(3) assaults any person with intent to resist or prevent the lawful apprehension or detainer of himself or of any other person for any offence,
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable, at the discretion of the Court, to imprisonment for any term not exceeding two years, with or without hard labour.

Edition: 1912 Cap / Ordinance No.: No. 2 of 1865 Subsequent Cap No.: 212
34. any person who--
(1) assaults any person with intent to commit felony; or
(2)assaults, resists, or wilfully obstructs any police officer in the due execution of his duty or any person acting in aid of such officer, or
(3) assaults any person with intent to resist or prevent the lawful apprehension or detainer of himself or of any other person for any offence,
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be liable to imprisonment for any term not exceeding two years.

Edition: 1923 Cap / Ordinance No.: No. 2 of 1865 Subsequent Cap No.: 212
34. any person who--
(1) assaults any person with intent to commit felony; or
(2)assaults, resists, or wilfully obstructs any police officer in the due execution of his duty or any person acting in aid of such officer,
(3) assaults any person with intent to resist or prevent the lawful apprehension or detainer of himself or of any other person for any offence,
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be liable to imprisonment for any term not exceeding two years.
[ss. 35 and 36, rep. law revision ordinance, 1923]

Edition: 1937 Cap / Ordinance No.: No. 2 of 1865 Subsequent Cap No.: 212
no. 2 of 1865 offences against the person
34. ever person who--
(1) assaults any person with intent to commit felony; or
(2)assaults, resists, or wilfully obstructs any police officer in the due execution of his duty or any person acting in aid of such officer, or
(3) assaults any person with intent to resist or prevent the lawful apprehension or detainer of himself or of any other person for any offence,
shall by guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be liable to imprisonment for any term not exceeding two years.
[ss. 35 and 36, rep. no. 5 of 1924]

Edition: 1950 Cap / Ordinance No.: 212 Subsequent Cap No.:
36. any person who--
(a) assaults any person with intent to commit felony; or
(b)assaults, resists, or wilfully obstructs any police officer in the due execution of his duty or any person acting in aid of such officer; or
(c) assaults any person with intent to resist or prevent the lawful apprehension or detainer of himself or of any other person for any offence,
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor triable summarily, and shall be liable to imprisonment for two years.

Edition: 1964 Cap / Ordinance No.: 212 Subsequent Cap No.:
36. any person who--
(a) assaults any person with intent to commit felony; or
(b)assaults, resists, or wilfully obstructs any police officer in the due execution of his duty or any person acting in aid of such officer; or
(c) assaults any person with intent to resist or prevent the lawful apprehension or detainer of himself or of any other person for any offence,
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor triable summarily, and shall be liable to imprisonment for 2 years.
(amended, 30 of 1911, ss. 2 and 5; 51 of 1911, s. 2, and 22 of 1950, s. 3)

Section: 36 Heading: Assault with intent to commit offence, or on police officer, etc. Version Date: 30/06/1997
Any person who-
(a) assaults any person with intent to commit an arrestable offence; or
(b) assaults, resists, or wilfully obstructs any police officer in the due execution of his duty or any person acting in aid of such officer; or
(c) assaults any person with intent to resist or prevent the lawful apprehension or detainer of himself or of any other person for any offence,
shall be guilty of an offence triable either summarily or upon indictment, and shall be liable to imprisonment for 2 years.
(Amended 30 of 1911 ss. 2 & 5; 51 of 1911 s. 2; 22 of 1950 s. 3; 50 of 1991 s. 4)
[cf. 1861 c.100 s.38 U.K.]

Edition: 1890 Cap / Ordinance No.: No. 9 of 1862 Subsequent Cap No.:
21. if any person shall assault or resist any member of the Police Force, acting in the execution of his duty, or shall aid or incite any person so to assault or resist, or refuse to assist any officer or constable in the execution of his duty when called upon to do so, every such offender being thereof convicted before any Magistrate, shall for every such offence forfeit and pay such sum, not exceeding two hundred dollars, together with costs, to be recovered in a summary manner, as the said Magistrate in his discretion may order, and in default of payment shall be liable, if no sufficient distress can be found, to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding three months. ["Six months with or without hard labour" as amended by Ordinance No. 9 of 1867.]

Edition: 1901 Cap / Ordinance No.: No. 11 of 1900 Subsequent Cap No.: 232
Cap / Ordinance Title: POLICE FORCE ORDINANCE, 1900
31. if any person assaults or resists any member of the Force acting in the execution of his duty, or aids or incites any person so to assault or resist, or refuses to assist any member in the execution of his duty when called upon to do so, every such offender shall, on summary conviction before a Magistrate, be liable to a penalty not exceeding two hundred dollars, together with costs, to be recovered in a summary manner as the Magistrate, in his discretion, may order, and, in default of payment, shall be liable, if no sufficient distress can be found, to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for any term not exceeding six months.

Edition: 1912 Cap / Ordinance No.: No. 11 of 1900 Subsequent Cap No.: 232
Cap / Ordinance Title: POLICE FORCE ORDINANCE, 1900
31. if any person assaults or resists any member of the force acting in the execution of his duty, or aids or incites any person so to assault or resist, or refuses to assist any such member in the execution of his duty when called upon to do so, he shall, on summary conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding 200 dollars, together with costs, to be recovered in a summary manner as the Magistrate may direct.

Edition: 1923 Cap / Ordinance No.: No. 11 of 1900 Subsequent Cap No.: 232
Cap / Ordinance Title: POLICE FORCE ORDINANCE, 1901
31. every any person assaults or resists any member of the force or any member of a crew acting in the execution of his duty, or aids or incites any person so to assault or resist, or refuses to assist any such member in the execution of his duty when called upon to do so, shall upon summary conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding two-hundred and fifty dollars, and to imprisonment for any term not exceeding six months.

Edition: 1950 Cap / Ordinance No.: 232 Subsequent Cap No.:
58. any person assaults or resists any police officer acting in the execution of his duty, or aids or incites any person so to assault or resists, or refuses to assist any such officer in the execution of his duty when called upon to do so, or who, by the giving of false information with intent to defeat or delay the ends of justice, willfully misleads or attempts to mislead any such officer, shall upon summary conviction be liable to a fine of two hundred and fifty dollars and to imprisonment for six months.

Chapter: 232 Title: POLICE FORCE ORDINANCE Gazette Number:
Section: 63 Heading: Penalty on person assaulting, etc. police officer in execution of duty, or misleading officer by false information Version Date: 30/06/1997
Any person who assaults or resists any police officer acting in the execution of his duty, or aids or incites any person so to assault or resists, or refuses to assist any such officer in the execution of his duty when called upon to do so, or who, by the giving of false information with intent to defeat or delay the ends of justice, wilfully misleads or attempts to mislead any such officer, shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine of $5000 and to imprisonment for 6 months.
(Amended 42 of 1977 s. 16)